⚙️Permissionless Configurable Staking Pools

We learned how The Staking Library provides a firm foundation for Staking operations, and allows anyone to have a Staking Derivative:

The Staking Library

Then, we learned how the Operator Marketplace makes staking operations much easier, and increases the user experience for both Pool Owners and Node Operators:

Operator Marketplace

Now, lets take a look at the Staking pools, and the superpowers of their Modular Architecture.

One Transaction To Rule Them All!

During the same transaction for creation of a staking pool, the following functionalities can be configured:

Private Pools - optional

  • If a pool is Public, everyone can use it.

  • Private pools are only available to their owners and other whitelisted addresses.

  • Pool owners can make pools public or private as they wish.

  • Any contract with a isWhitelisted() function can be used by the Private Pools.

Private Pools and Whitelisting

Interfaces - optional

  • If you don't need an ERC20 for example, a pool can operate without an interface.

  • While gETH allows multiple interfaces, Portal only allows 1 interface per derivative for security reasons.

  • Interfaces should be created on the initiation process. Currently, an interface can not be added after the pool initiation for security reasons.

  • New interfaces require the approval of the Senate.

  • Any interface can be chosen from the list below:

🎭Current Interfaces

Maintainers - optional

  • If you don't have a very active pool, you can choose your operators without a maintainer.

  • Pool tasks such as management of the Operators can be automated through maintainers.

  • Adding a maintainer is not a security risk, any contract or address can be chosen as a maintainer. However, it is always best to DYOR.

  • Maintainers can not steal Pool fees or Pool funds.


Bound Liquidity Pools - optional

  • If you don't need liquidity, your pool doesn't need a bound liquidity pool.

  • You can always change your mind later.

🌊Bound Liquidity Pools

Last updated